Now that the world keeps spinning literally over @POTUS
withdrawing from the Paris Accord, I would like to explain how this can benefit
the people of America .
Look around you, turn off the T.V. for a moment, everything is going to be just
fine. This has brought a massive opportunity to small/medium size alternative
energy companies that want to be profitable and don’t receive government
Even though I believe
that climate change is hoax, the earth is, however, getting closer to the next
ice age. When will this happen? Who knows? Its time we stop believe politicians
or scientists that think they do know. According to the Canadian press, the
polar bears are doing quite well. Maybe it’s just me getting old, but the sun
definitely feels hotter on my skin. If we can make energy cleaner, I think it’s
better so we should invest and continue to improve cleaner energy. Even though
this may seem conflicting to some, I think that more jobs is the answer to many
social issues we face today. If you’re interested in finding out what companies
I’m investing in, direct message me @tristengadberry.